Continuous Body District Used in a Sentence

You need to know the cell theory and how continuous investigations and/or new scientific information influenced the development of cell theory.
One alternative to the traditional metal or colored plastic roof vents is to use a continuous ridge vent.
The ensuing night gave me the grand migraine of my life, with throbs like the blows of an ax and continuous pinwheels.
The album is divided into different tracks, but it is really one continuous song.
This opening, a continuous 13-minute shot in impressive 3D, is one of the most awe-inspiring film sequences in recent memory.
It uses impressions curved around a cylinder to print on long continuous rolls of paper or other substrates.
Chicago's Western Avenue is the longest continuous urban street in the world.
The plant had two batch assembly lines for packaging, as well as a continuous feed production line.
Cementogenesis persists throughout the life of the tooth, allowing for continuous reattachment of the periodontal ligaments.
It can automatically plot seismograms from 18 seismic signal sources and 3 time signals on a continuous reel of film.
The Wicklow Mountains range is the largest continuous upland region in Ireland.
The concept of a continuous body of water with relatively free interchange among its parts is of fundamental importance to oceanography.
It is expected that the continuous input of sediment into the lake will silt up the lake.
The 18th century developed into a period of seemingly continuous international wars, each larger than the last.
The use of Sperrbrecher obviated the need to continuous and painstaking sweeping, but the cost was high.
By April 1945, German forces were retreating on all fronts in northern Italy and occupied Yugoslavia, following continuous Allied attacks.
In the Norwegian Campaign, despite eight weeks of continuous air supremacy, the Luftwaffe sank only two British warships.
The capture of the town gave the Allies a continuous front joining Omaha to Utah Beach and the other three lodgements to the east of Omaha.
This technique can be used in continuous wave radar and is often found in aircraft radar altimeters.
Aircraft safety depends upon continuous access to accurate weather radar information that is used to prevent injuries and accidents.

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However, two does not satisfy Suetonius' description of a continuous succession.
That led to almost continuous warfare against other leading members of Alexander's circle.
Continental or mainland Europe is the continuous continent of Europe excluding its surrounding islands.
Where continuous and protected, such as the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, the prairie is near ideal interior habitat for the species.
It is considered possible that the South Harris and Ness bodies once formed part of a continuous body, disrupted by Laxfordian deformation.
In Oregon and Washington, its range is continuous from the eastern edge of the Cascades west to the Pacific Coast Ranges and Pacific Ocean.
Continents formed by plate tectonics, a process ultimately driven by the continuous loss of heat from Earth's interior.
In winter, a large area north of Iceland, between Greenland and Jan Mayen, which is called West Ice is covered by continuous ice.
Slab rollback is not always a continuous process suggesting an episodic nature.
A long dorsal fin runs from the middle of the back and is continuous with a similar ventral fin.
Subarctic climates are cold with continuous permafrost and little precipitation.
In order for zooplankton to have a continuous food supply, the phytoplankton blooms must not occur too far apart.
Only when data were plotted on a map did it become apparent that remarkably regular and continuous magnetic stripes appeared on the ocean floors.
The midden in Namu, British Columbia is over 9 meters deep and spans over 10,000 years of continuous occupation.
An effectively continuous cultural adaptation proceeds from the Clovis period through the ensuing Middle and Late Paleoindian periods.
This large continuous harassment incensed Spain and put their the inhabitants in fear.
In deep water, marine snow is a continuous shower of mostly organic detritus falling from the upper layers of the water column.
The surrounding water is usually understood to be continuous, though not necessarily named as a single body of water.
There was an almost continuous belt of salt workings along the coast toward Hurst Spit.
The coal seams are up to 100 metres thick, with multiple coal seams often giving virtually continuous brown coal thickness of up to 230 metres.

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It is framed in terms of an idealized device called a Carnot engine, imagined to define a continuous cycle of states of its working body.
Wood is a major building material that is renewable and replenishable in a continuous cycle.
The southern boundary of Denmark in the region of the Eider River and the Danevirke was a source of continuous dispute.
Bronze continued to be used for torcs and kettles, the style of which were continuous from the Bronze Age.
At this time the first line, or continuous fortified border, was constructed.
As far as ancient literary sources are concerned, an extant continuous account of Trajan's reign does not exist.
The continuous warfare made necessary a professional army, which was more loyal to its generals than to the republic.
The empire would remain in continuous existence for nearly a millennium, as the Holy Roman Empire, a true imperial successor to Charles.
The first of the four continuous sections into which the work is divided begins with high pitchless percussion.
Mazatec shamans have a long and continuous tradition of religious use of Salvia divinorum a psychoactive plant.
Water service quality is considered good, with practically all localities in Uruguay receiving disinfected water on a continuous basis.
Google Glass batteries power down after 45 minutes of continuous recording, making it unlikely anyone could capture an entire film.
The armed forces have been in a continuous mobilised state for the last 30 years.
The ship was in terrible shape, with her sails torn and only kept afloat by continuous pumping of water.
They developed serial firing technique to create a continuous rain of bullets on the enemy.
The granite rocks that form the peninsula were once continuous with the Tehachapi Mountains 350 miles south.
These reforms undoubtedly were intended to strengthen the state in the face of continuous warfare.
Since 1632, when Yakutsk was established in the central Yakutia by Pyotr Beketov, the presence of Russians in the Lena region became continuous.
Clear waters that facilitated the 1926 landing were followed by years of continuous heavy ice surrounding the island.
The continuous profitability of the company is based on its many proprietary products.

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This was partially due to plague outbreaks, and partially due to the huge casualties caused by almost continuous warfare.
In Modern Greek, the present tense is used in a similar way to the present tense in English and can represent the present continuous as well.
Despite these small reforms, the 18th century ended with continuous and unrestrained attacks on the Court.
Partial voicing can mean light but continuous voicing, discontinuous voicing, or discontinuities in the degree of voicing.
George's, Bermuda, is the oldest surviving Anglican church in continuous use outside the British Isles.
The parties were responding to continuous pain over a period of time and, in any event, pain is too subjective to qualify as an external threat.
The antithesis of incrementalism is that work must be accomplished in one single push rather than through a process of continuous improvement.
Although this concept has been in continuous existence throughout the history of the republic, its meaning has changed through time.
The three years must be continuous, although a breakup of a few days during the period will not affect a person's status as common law.
Now, in the first folio volume of 1616, the paging, signatures, and quiring are continuous and regular throughout.
This gave the Company forces a continuous, although still tenuous, line of communication from the east to west of India.
The besieged endured three weeks of the Siege of Cawnpore with little water or food, suffering continuous casualties to men, women and children.
Many schools are authorized or accredited by a state and some have been in continuous operation for over 95 years.
Acting leaders names are in italics, unless the acting leader subsequently became a full leader during a continuous period as leader.
The petrochemical and commodity chemical manufacturing units are on the whole single product continuous processing plants.
Since that replacement, the great expansion of total power was driven by continuous improvements in energy conversion efficiency.
Some physical scientists like Al Bartlett regard continuous economic growth as unsustainable.
Mechanical innovations such as batch and continuous processing began to become much more prominent in factories.
Its rival, the throstle frame or ring frame uses a continuous process, where the roving is drawn, twisted and wrapped in one action.
The process was continuous, and done by both sexes, from the youngest to the oldest.

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Filament is a continuous strand consisting of anything from 1 filament to many.
It was thus a batch process, rather than a continuous one such as a blast furnace.
In doing so Evans designed a continuous process of manufacturing that required no human labor.
Depending on the type of tool used, the material, and the feed rate, the chip may be continuous or segmented.
Rivets are typically fed to the rivet setter nose from tape and come in cassette or spool form for continuous production.
The dissolution of the metallic bond material is caused by the dressing which in turns results continuous protrusion of new sharp grits.
Production workers in continuous production commonly work in rotating shifts.
Shutting down and starting up many continuous processes typically results in off quality product that must be reprocessed or disposed of.
The oldest continuous flow processes is the blast furnace for producing pig iron.
The Fourdrinier paper machine, patented in 1799, was one of the earliest of the Industrial Revolution era continuous manufacturing processes.
It produced a continuous web of paper that was formed, pressed, dried and reeled up in a roll.
Continuous Processors are designed to mix viscous products on a continuous basis by utilizing a combination of mixing and conveying action.
In 1997, continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy was seen as an improvement over conventional radical radiotherapy.
From 1804 until the 1920s, Swansea experienced continuous population growth.
In some places, the borders between cities in the central Ruhr are unrecognizable due to continuous development across them.
This machine produces a continuous roll of paper rather than individual sheets.
The economic nature of many products manufactured in batch and continuous processes require highly efficient operation due to thin margins.
In ports handling large quantities of bulk materials continuous ship unloaders are replacing gantry cranes.
He also had the experience of working with all the elements as a continuous production system.
This allowed Sturgeon's motor to be the first capable of providing continuous rotary motion.

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Numerous weather stations were placed in the mountains early in the early 20th century, providing continuous data for climatologists.
Employing some 200 people, its primary purpose was the design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of continuous casting machines.
Wainwright's Pictorial Guides have been in continuous publication since they were written and have sold more than two million copies.
This is the longest continuous wall of crag on the fell and reaches up almost to the summit.
Lava fountains may occur as a series of short pulses, or a continuous jet of lava.
The most obvious features to recognize a ruffe are the ruffe's large, continuous dorsal fin and its slightly downturned mouth.
Geographically they are partially or appear to be continuous with the Alpine system.
The Annales were not written in a continuous narrative, but in the style of earlier annals, giving the events of each year in a separate entry.
By means of the rheotome, the primary current is broken and closed rapidly, so that the induced current seems almost like a continuous one.
This was a vast improvement over dry stamping because it was a continuous process that also stopped the production of unwanted very fine dust.
With Silent Sam clients it is important for group leaders to make active and continuous efforts to get them involved in the group.
If the membership function of a fuzzy set is continuous, then that fuzzy set's support is an open set.
According to Hillis Miller, Hopkins supposed that, by a continuous process of subdivision, all words descend from a first original, an ur-word.
In the hymenolepid cestode Fimbriaria fasciolaris, the vitellaria and uterus are continuous throughout the strobila.
These forges and furnaces, unlike grist and sawmills, required a continuous supply of waterpower.
Residents describe hearing noises like a jet engine, thumpings, great whooshing sounds, and on occasion continuous humming.
The price of crude oil is determined in continuous trading between professional players in World's many commodities exchanges.
Each continuous function from the real line to the rationals is constant, since the rationals are totally disconnected.
But you want to be a continuous partial attention ninja master because you've been told that all of the cool kids are.
In the deramp process, the principle of continuous radar with a linearly frequency-modulated wave is applied to a pulsed radar.

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This family empathy measure is highly related to ever use of birth control but not to any measure of continuous use.
Unlike most filmi geets this song is a continuous, seamless melody which dispenses with non-traditional musical devices.
Creon's continuous gender-baiting certainly presented many performance possibilities for the actor.
The measurement is accomplished by observing the Faraday rotation angle of signals from geostationary satellites on a continuous basis.
The USS Stewart used a Navy Sonic Depth Finder to draw a continuous map across the bed of the Atlantic.
The awards, recognised high attainment and outstanding continuous improvement.
He and later emperors thought of themselves as part of a continuous line of emperors that begins with Charlemagne.
The Late Copper Age is regarded as a continuous culture system connecting the Upper Rhine valley to the western edge of the Carpathian Basin.
The ditch was continuous but had been dug in sections, like the ditches of the earlier causewayed enclosures in the area.
Acceptance of Renaissance art was furthered by the continuous arrival of humanist thought in the country.
The Church of England has been in continuous existence since the days of St Augustine, with the Archbishop of Canterbury as its episcopal head.
The standard linear programming discretization of the continuous problem becomes intractible for moderate grid sizes.
Ireland had known continuous war since the rebellion of 1641, with most of the island controlled by the Irish Confederates.
Napoleon's army had a record of continuous unbroken victories on land, but the full force of the Russian army had not yet come into play.
While Nelson directed a continuous bombardment of the enemy positions, Stuart's men began to advance.
When a continuous sound was heard from the second beam the crew knew they were above the target and began dropping their bombs.
Except for the river valleys and wind gaps, the crest of the escarpment is almost continuous along its length.
I think that is what we principally object to, a continuous layerization of authorities.
The pound sterling is the world's oldest currency still in use and which has been in continuous use since its inception.
The frame is constructed from a continuous pour of concrete into moulds, creating interlacing arches and leaving no apparent joints.

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In 1781 Scottish engineer James Watt patented a steam engine that produced continuous rotary motion.
Or it can be used in probability theory to determine the probability of a continuous random variable from an assumed density function.
This section was completed in August 1974, creating a continuous link between Ferrybridge and Tarbock.
The annexation of Egypt, Sicily and Tunisia in North Africa provided a continuous supply of grains.
There has been a continuous movement of people between the islands of Ireland and Great Britain due to their proximity.
Hussites defeated five continuous crusades proclaimed against them by the Pope.
Built in 1681, the Old Ship Church in Hingham, Massachusetts is the oldest church in America in continuous ecclesiastical use.
The campus now occupies an almost continuous group of around 30 buildings between Kingsway and the Aldwych.
Next, a continuous groove is cut along the middle of each inner face of the lower timber in each panel.
At one point during the continuous string of battles, Ambrosius takes ill and Uther must lead the army for him.
Four teams claim a continuous lineage Bampton, Headington Quarry, and Chipping Campden.
The scientific method is a continuous process, which usually begins with observations about the natural world.
This is a continuous way our knowledge accumulates, through the logic and process of proofs and refutations.
Similar to the blues, shanties often exhibited a string of such verses without much explicit or continuous theme.
There, where the strength of one or two hundred men can be applied to one and the same effort, the labor is not intermittent, but continuous.
Baroque music is characterized by the use of complex tonal counterpoint and the use of a basso continuo, a continuous bass line.
At Leipzig, Delius became a fervent disciple of Wagner, whose technique of continuous music he sought to master.
Prog is based on fusions of styles, approaches and genres, involving a continuous move between formalism and eclecticism.
Cotner contests Macan's view that progressive rock cannot exist without the continuous and overt assimilation of classical music into rock.
The term microgenesis has been proposed for the continuous formative activity which underlies cognition.

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The continuous reduction in aircraft numbers since the end of the Cold War made it uneconomical to support operations at multiple bases.
The Egyptians made continuous attempts to purchase heavy arms from Czechoslovakia years before the 1955 deal.
The continuous fighting, which became known as the Battle of the Bogside, lasted for two days.
Lengthy periods of continuous occupation notwithstanding, many of the smaller islands were abandoned.
The reason the precise nature of the fault is still unknown is because there is little evidence of a continuous fault plane on the surface.
The United Kingdom has had a continuous presence in the far South Atlantic since 1833 when it reasserted sovereignty over the Falkland Islands.
In March 2015 the British government established the largest continuous marine protected area in the world around the Pitcairn Islands.
Operation Banner ended at midnight on 31 July 2007 after about 38 years of continuous deployment, the longest in British Army history.
The island consists of the largest continuous dryland rim of all atolls in the world.
The constant demand for steam requires a continuous supply of water to the boiler, usually pumped into it automatically.
There were many compound locomotives especially where long periods of continuous efforts were needed.
On both runways, a continuous descent approach is used to minimise the environmental effects of incoming aircraft, particularly at night.
This allows sequences of notes to be played in a smooth, continuous stream without the interruption of changing bellows direction.
The mytharc is a continuous story line about the government's involvement in a plot to cover up the presence of extraterrestrials on Earth.
River management is a continuous activity as rivers tend to 'undo' the modifications made by people.
Both agriculture and pastoralism developed alongside each other, with continuous interactions.
The Ethiopian Highlands are the largest continuous mountain ranges in Africa, and the Sof Omar Caves contains the largest cave on the continent.
In this view all differences from Classical Latin are bundled as though they evolved through a single continuous style.
This land was divided into the infield, which was in continuous arable cultivation, and the outfield which was rotated between arable and grass.
The 18th century was a time of population growth, almost continuous from the 1770s onwards.

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There is a continuous outcrop along the Highland Boundary Fault from Stonehaven on the North Sea coast to Helensburgh and beyond to Arran.
The Irvine Burns Club has the oldest continuous record of any Burns club in the World.
The oldest continuous federation, and a role model for many subsequent federations, is the United States.
Landowners such as the Earl of Kildare could claim a continuous title that just predated the Lordship itself.
This article contains a list of the oldest existing universities in continuous operation in the world.
Two spans are attached together to make a continuous girder, with an expansion joint between each pair of spans.
Engineers in the nineteenth century understood that a bridge that was continuous across multiple supports would distribute the loads among them.
However, the ultimate beginnings cannot be clearly ascertained and new discoveries are both continuous and ongoing.
The two World Wars curbed the continuous expansion that Wallonia had enjoyed up till that time.
The continuous tower with a wooden gallery from which a mullioned window with the emblem of Abbate can observe the south side of the country.
Traffic of one erlang refers to a single resource being in continuous use, or two channels being at fifty percent use, and so on, pro rata.
This service has been in continuous operation since 1827 and is one of the oldest operating ferries in North America.
A contender as oldest ferry in continuous operation is the Mersey Ferry from Liverpool to Birkenhead, England.
Ordnance Survey states that thanks to continuous review, OS MasterMap data is never more than six months out of date.
However, earthenware has a continuous history from the Neolithic period to today.
The network continued to expand over the next two decades before achieving a continuous service of up to 20 hours a day.
When the off time was 0 s, namely, the illumination is continuous, a black film was deposited.
These dunes most often form as a continuous 'train' of dunes, showing remarkable similarity in wavelength and height.
High winds often stir up snow, creating the illusion of continuous snowfall.
Because dissolved oxygen in the water column is continuous with water in the coelenteron, it may lead to increased oxygen concentration within the coral.

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Because rock sequences are not continuous, but may be broken up by faults or periods of erosion, it is very difficult to match up rock beds that are not directly adjacent.
Ultimate Frisbee is a self-officiated noncontact field game, using seven players per side and requiring continuous motion, much like soccer or basketball.
Fewer than 20 individuals have ever been confirmed to have landed on Rockall, and the longest continuous stay by an individual is currently 45 days.
To the north his limit is not known, and most probably he has a continuous range, quite to the classic ground of crocodiledom, the waters of the Nile.
For certain continuous processes, it can be referred to as a profile.
The manager ensures that the escalation team generates a continuous stream of root cause analysis exercises and the subsequent corrective actions.
They include continuous fibre forms fashioned into textile constructions.
Other types of fabrication include press moulding, transfer moulding, pultrusion moulding, filament winding, casting, centrifugal casting, continuous casting and slip forming.
This is partly because it is difficult to draw a line detailing when the primitive forms of creating a continuous source of light from fire can be termed a lamp.
Tuberaria guttata is widely distributed in the Mediterranean region, and has a continuous distribution along the French Atlantic coast as far as the Channel Islands.
Her daily life is very hardsome and full of continuous labour.
Continental Europe, also referred to as mainland Europe, or, by Europeans, simply the Continent, is the continuous continent of Europe, excluding surrounding islands.
Those on the first floor are entered behind a continuous walkway, often with a sloping shelf between the walkway and the railings overlooking the street.
Even though CAPD is a continuous hemocatharsis method, it achieves considerably low levels of clearance, which are barely adequate for preventing uremia.
Ultrastructural studies show the whorling cells of LHN to possess classic features of Schwann cells, including continuous basal lamina, but few rudimentary junctions.
From Hekou to Yumenkou, the river passes through the longest series of continuous valleys on its main course, collectively called the Jinshan Valley.
With the hotgun, incontrast, the holding chamber and the nozzle supply continuous heat to the wax, and the wax can be injected directly into the hole as a liquid.
All existing students at validated institutions are able to continue the remainder of their studies for a University of Wales award and will have continuous support.
Heat-activated pressure-sensitive adhesive tape is a continuous foam tape using a heat activated adhesive on one side of the foam to bond to the elastomer extrusion.
Cemeteries at Alfriston, Highdown and Eastbourne show continuous contacts with Gaul from the first half of the 5th century until the early 7th century.

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Without preference for either theory, they constructed a single continuous battlefield boundary that encompasses the locations proposed by both Williams and Foss.
This condition of muscle, this fusion of a number of simple spasms into an apparently smooth, continuous effort, is known as tetanus, or tetanic contraction.
Analog signals vary over a continuous range of possible values which means that electronic noise and interference becomes reproduced by the receiver.
Access to the northern arc is continuous along the Buttermere valley although the southern arc is more remote, particularly as the ridge gradually moves away from Wasdale.
Such a dramatic drop in the population meant the basis for the Crown's revenues was dangerously weakened in a time when it was engaged in continuous conflict in Europe.
Since the Romanian Revolution of 1989, the Romanian educational system has been in a continuous process of reform that has received mixed criticism.
The Parliament of Bermuda avoided the Parliament of England's fate during The Protectorate, becoming one of the oldest continuous legislatures in the world.
The Trout was horribly knackering to perform with its continuous high energy and light convulsive jitterings, which covered the entire stage space.
Manchester is fringed by the Cheshire Plain to the south, the Pennines to the north and east and an arc of towns with which it forms a continuous conurbation.
Many truly continuous processes of today were originally batch operations.
Fluid can be pumped through the gills' interiors by muscles associated with the lantern, but this is not continuous, and occurs only when the animal is low on oxygen.
The Cromford mill of 1771, designed by Richard Arkwright, was the first factory to use a continuous process from raw material to finished product in a series of operations.
The intertidal mud or sand flat habitat is continuous with many other habitats. Landward, it may be bordered by a beach, marsh, bulkhead, or stretch of riprap.
A continuous coastal path, the Wales Coast Path, was opened in May 2012 along the entire Welsh shore under the auspices of the Countryside Council for Wales.
They provided compensation water to ensure a continuous flow along the River Etherow which was essential for local industry, and provided pure water for Manchester.
The longitudinal serological and ELISA data were analyzed using a linear mixed model with the unadjuvanted dose a reference and time as a continuous variable.
A ridge or mountain ridge is a geological feature consisting of a chain of mountains or hills that form a continuous elevated crest for some distance.
The most restricted meaning of continent is that of a continuous area of land or mainland, with the coastline and any land boundaries forming the edge of the continent.
From the 16th century the English noun continent was derived from the term continent land, meaning continuous or connected land and translated from the Latin terra continens.
The continuous power density is determined by the product of the continuous torque density and the constant torque speed range of the electric machine.

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Most of its borders use a simple traffic light to do the switch, but there are also interchanges which enable the switch while keeping up a continuous flow of traffic.
Ask the Romans, who had a continuous sequence of successes when they were guided by a certain plan, and an uninterrupted sequence of reverses when they followed another.
Lawvere and employing the methods of category theory, it views all functions as being continuous and incapable of being expressed in terms of discrete entities.
The analogue of Hooke's spring law for continuous media is then.
Also planned were continuous replenishment along the coast of Africa.
Considerable use is made of continuous descent approach techniques to minimise the environmental effects of incoming aircraft, particularly at night.
A new logomark consisting of a basic stem outline incorporating the PR Exposure initials in a continuous line has been introduced by the Chicago based firm.
Others have argued for the independence of today's Low German dialects, taken as continuous outflow of the Old Saxon and Middle Low German tradition.
These factors all contribute to the ability of the whole cocoon to be unravelled as one continuous thread, permitting a much stronger cloth to be woven from the silk.
The Holy See has the oldest active continuous diplomatic service in the world, dating back to at least AD 325 with its legation to the Council of Nicea.
One such batholith is the Sierra Nevada Batholith, which is a continuous granitic formation that makes up much of the Sierra Nevada in California.
Botanist expanded their knowledge of different plant remedies, seeds, bulbs, uses of dried and living plants through continuous interchange made possible by printing.
Mayon Volcano, despite being dangerously active, holds the record of the world's most perfect cone which is built from past and continuous eruption.
We also give characterizations of continuous posheaves and completely distributive posheaves, and show that an algebraic completely distributive posheaf is spatial.
When the fill is completed, this underdrain will form a continuous water runoff system from the upper end of the valley to the lower end of the fill.
Egypt has the oldest continuous parliamentary tradition in the Arab world.
Concurrent to continuous monitoring and automatically detecting ADEs, the software facilitates and promotes consultation, feedback and networking among healthcare providers.
They form a continuous highland along the western edge of South America.
Intravenous fluids are the first step in resuscitation, but often an intravenous adrenergic agent as a continuous infusion is added as the next step.
The title of Sharp's work reflects his project of collecting and grouping shanties as part of what he conceived to be a rather continuous English folk song tradition.

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Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibres to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing.
Sardines and tinned salmon were luxuries we could not afford, but fresh fish and game were better, and, even when salted, were preferrable to a continuous diet of beef.
In its final form, combined with his carding machine, it was the first factory to use a continuous process from raw material to finished product in a series of operations.
Free gas in the riser was therefore subjected to a slight but continuous decrease in compressibility which merely served to prolong the period of afterflow.
A more sophisticated device is the Newcastle interactive palliator, in which a continuous low-dose intravenous infusion is combined with patient-operated demand increment.
In addition to sewers, rats are very comfortable living in alleyways and residential buildings, as there is usually a large and continuous food source in those areas.
States are served by a continuous succession of different governments.
The wings are very strong and are generally short and pointed, and the flight of ducks requires fast continuous strokes, requiring in turn strong wing muscles.
The nearly continuous light curves with micromagnitude precision provided by the space mission Kepler are revolutionising our view of pulsating stars.
The same marking in Northern Ireland is white and usually continuous.
Suffice it to say as a last word that the ancient Romans, the cinquecentist Italians, and the modern Europeans, obviously form in architectural history one continuous dynasty.
The continuous and intensive economic development of the last centuries has affected the fauna, and wildlife is much diminished around all industrial centers.
That there must be a large ocean between Asia and the Americas was implied by the known existence of vast continuous sea along the coasts of East Asia.
Farther north, the Atlantic opens into the Arctic Ocean, which is connected to the Pacific by the Bering Strait, forming a continuous expanse of water.
Despite the absence of a continuous navigable waterway, the Angara and its tributary the Ilim were of considerable importance for Russian colonization of Siberia since ca.
The Dalradian metasedimentary rocks are overlain by an obducted ophiolite that is continuous for at least several kilometers on either side of the Highland Boundary Fault.
These canyons form by channelized turbidites and generally lose definition with depth because continuous faulting disrupts the submarine channels.
The slope of the inner trench slope of an accretionary convergent margin reflects continuous adjustments to the thickness and width of the accretionary prism.
This is then assumed to be continuous and the basis for the future.
Yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked fibres, suitable for use in the production of textiles, sewing, crocheting, knitting, weaving, embroidery, and ropemaking.

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As technology improved, measurement of depth, latitude and longitude became more precise and it became possible to collect more or less continuous sets of data points.
For combat aircraft, continuous operations resulted in skipped maintenance schedules, and many aircraft were withdrawn from service awaiting spare parts and service.
This flowing continuous cross section reduces aerodynamic drag.
With thousands of years of continuous history, China is one of the world's oldest civilizations, and is regarded as one of the cradles of civilization.
In front a continuous stream of hansoms and four-wheelers were rattling up, discharging their cargoes of shirt-fronted men and beshawled, bediamonded women.
British railway companies have been reluctant to disclose figures for drawbar horsepower and have usually relied on continuous tractive effort instead.
Due to the discrete spectral lines rather than a continuous spectrum, the light is not ideal for applications such as photography and cinematography.
The heated filament emits light that approximates a continuous spectrum.
His jargon of slang was a continuous joy and surprise to them. His gestures, his strange poses, his frank ribaldry of tongue and principle fascinated them.
The announcement in November 2008 that the economy had shrunk for the first time since late 1992 brought an end to 16 years of continuous economic growth.
If these products came from a continuous casting operation the products are usually fed directly into the rolling mills at the proper temperature.
Since patella diameter is a feature of continuous variation, the majority of small patellas represent simply the lower extreme of normal anatomic variation.
Mass production of printed works flourished after the transition to rolled paper, as continuous feed allowed the presses to run at a much faster pace.
Perhaps if all the submarine sites were known, a continuous coastal culture would appear from the Netherlands to the lakes of Russia, but it has yet to be demonstrated.
The first continuous relations with a European country began in 1508 with Portugal under Emperor Lebna Dengel, who had just inherited the throne from his father.
While officially discouraged in schools and seen as 'bad language', local English teachers like the distinction, because it corresponds well with the English continuous form.
Labrador Inuit have had the longest continuous contact with Europeans.
A special railway car called a dynamometer car coupled behind the locomotive keeps a continuous record of the drawbar pull exerted, and the speed.
Nearly continuous frontier warfare during the era of King William's War and Queen Anne's War drove economic and political wedges between merchants and planters.
An ocean current is continuous, directed movement of ocean water.


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